Better growth of your plants through AcquaPhi

Benefits for plants and agriculture thanks to AcquaPhi

In agriculture and for plants, AcquaPhi water brings many advantages.
The water is better absorbed by the plants due to its high oxygen content and contributes to better growth and higher crop yields.

Increase plant growth by 15

  • Time and again we can observe that plants grow much better when they are watered with AcquaPhi water. To confirm this officially, we wanted to have this investigated by a university. As part of a diploma thesis at the University of Reggio Calabria, a study was made of olive trees. Two groups were compared: One was watered with AcquaPhi water, the other with normal water. With regard to the uptake of carbon dioxide by the trees, the following was found: - CO² uptake normal water: 25.5 t/ha/a - CO² uptake AcquaPhi water: 29.4 t/ha/a This is interesting in that a plant with a higher amount of CO² can also perform better. You...

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Customer review

"After installing AcquaPhi in the school, the cooks are very satisfied. In the dipping kettles for pasta, there is no more lime residue." - Paolo Boniotti

19 February 2021

Better efficiency in the use of water

  • The better structure of spring water The differences between spring water and tap water were impressively illustrated by the Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto with photos of frozen water crystals. A clear tendency can be seen in these photos - but the method is not very scientific. According to Emoto, in order to obtain definitive proof of whether the water in question has a good structural quality, there is only one possibility: to test the water on plants. Plant cells react very objectively and sensitively to different water qualities. The difference can be seen very clearly in an experiment conducted by a farmer from Jamaica. He has treated some of his plants with...

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Customer review

"What is a miracle for me is that the entire skin, even the one without fungal lichen, has been rejuvenated in a fantastic way. AcquaPhi gives results, and I am a witness to this." - Katia Kullmann

1 January 2021

Fewer investments, higher earnings

  • Everyone can test the effectiveness of AcquaPhi water at home on their own plants. You can also safely rule out the possibility that this is a placebo effect, because plants cannot be conditioned. These two examples have reached us from AcquaPhi users: With the lettuce plants in the first photos it can be observed that far more sprouts when the seeds are watered with AcquaPhi water. The same applies to the bean plants in the photo below. Thus, it can be clearly seen that both bean seeds sprouted in the container watered with AcquaPhi water (right), while only one sprouted in the container with conventional water. In addition, the plants with the...

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Customer review

"After 3 months now, my chronic fatigue (caused by stress) has disappeared, I feel revitalized. AcquaPhi is a device, which improves the quality of life and this despite increasing pollution." - Omar Spreafico

1 February 2021

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